Cory, a proud MacBook Air owner, sits alone at a four-person table drafting his novelette. "When I started to crunch the numbers on my coffee and avocado toasts, I was easily spending over $460 a month on my 'free' coffee shop space."
June 03, 2019

Cory was an aspiring writer from Halifax, NS until his career path changed suddenly when the bank sent him a foreclosure letter for his penthouse condo. "Basically, the bank said I wasn't paying my mortgage payments, so, like, I don't think that is really fair. I am a writer, I am like a liquid, I am like starbursts on the morning dew, and I am like a fine wine, it takes time for my contents to appreciate." He concluded by saying that, "if the bank can't see my genius now, they will never see it. It is not my responsibility to change their closed narrow-minds."
"I was lucky that I got my Dad to cosigned on the mortgage, he is responsible for it now. If it wasn't for him and his credit, it would have been just me and my MacBook living on the streets (at least until Starbucks opened at 6 am)." Cory feels he has been forced to find his creativity in the coffee art world now. It will be a struggle to work full-time coffee-art hours and still wring out the creative juices for writing.
Cory has a couple nuggets of knowledge for other aspiring coffee shop writers, "make sure you keep track of how much you spend at your "free" coffee shop workplace." Most spend a minimum of $10 on coffee per day (22 workdays = $220/month) up to $24 if you include a meal or two ($528/month = 6,338/year). This can add up to a significant chunk of change! "Also, make sure you get your parents to cosign on your mortgage, it is their responsibility to make sure you live a comfortable life as long as they are alive."
xx E.M Munster